We’re helping those who help wild animals this week! Learn all about Wildlife Rehabilitation in our original post here, then see how you can help below!


Volunteer at a Rehabilitation Center. You’ll have to do a little research on this one, but find a local rehabilitation center (most likely a non-profit) and volunteer there. You can also help out at a private rehabilitator’s home, too, but centers may give you more options. We can speak from experience on this one as there’s a program through our local aquarium where they train you to be a first responder for stranded seals! Very cool experience, but just one example. Another local group helps birds of prey, which we admit sounds pretty incredible. Dig deep to find the perfect fit for you. Again, don’t approach this as an opportunity to become bff’s with these animals — they’re wild and need to remain so — but helping them recover from trauma to be released back into the wild is so rewarding.

How you can help wildlife rehabilitation | The Giving Back Society