Jun 28, 2017 | The Giving Back Society, Why Give Back?
“Somewhere inside of all of us is the power to change the world.” These words by Roald Dahl resonated with me today. The bigger picture that I had been pondering was “Finding Your Why”, which hasn’t been a difficult discovery for me. I...
Jun 26, 2017 | Gifts That Give Back, Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans, The Giving Back Society
We had quite a few favorites to choose from for this cause… here are the ones we narrowed it down to! Bureo makes skateboards from recycled fishing nets to help offset the fact that they account for 10% of plastic pollution in the ocean. To date they have...
Jun 24, 2017 | Let's Go All In, Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans, The Giving Back Society
This week it’s been all about how we can help to reduce plastic pollution in our oceans. If you’re just joining us now, we suggest scrolling back a bit and checking out why this is such an important cause. Click here to jump right back to our first post on...
Jun 23, 2017 | 1 Hour Action Plan, Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans, The Giving Back Society
Our cause this week is helping our oceans and lessening plastic pollution — you can find a recap of the problem here. 1 HOUR ACTION PLAN: Join a Beach Cleanup. Or river. Or lake. Or even just storm drains. The point is to get plastics out of or away from our...