Feb 15, 2021 | How to Make a Difference, Inspiration to Give Back, The Giving Back Society, Using Your Skills and Talents to Give Back
KNOW WHAT SPARKS… A little Monday Motivation for you today! What sparks the light in you? And what will you be doing this week to give back? This week I am working on some new awareness posters for my local Sustainability Commission, which I have been a member...
Feb 1, 2021 | How to Make a Difference, Let's Go All In, Self Care Sundays, The Giving Back Society, Uncategorized
PUTTING ON MY OWN OXYGEN MASK FIRST Time flies when you’re… in a pandemic? Hmmm. That doesn’t sound right, and yet I find myself amazed that we’ve just entered February of 2021. One year ago things were just starting to get strange. Little did...