Our cause this week is Shelter Pets — you can find a recap of the problem here.


Let’s Get Crafty. Shelter pets need stimulation and exercise so providing them with new toys can make their stay that much nicer. Download our how-to instructions of toys you can make and donate to your favorite shelter. Tip: Start with ones you can make from supplies kicking around the house like the water bottle/sock toy or the yarn balls.

Bonus: Make a party of it — invite some friends to come over and help, too. When we were on the board of a local nonprofit we were tasked with throwing an event that gave back and this is what we did! It was crafty, fun for everyone and great for kids to get involved with, too.

One more thing: When you’re delivering your newly crafted toys, toss any old towels, blankets and pillows into your car as well — shelters always run low on cuddly items for the animals.

The Giving Back Society | Making it easier for busy people with big hearts to make a difference.