Our cause this week was Wildlife Rehabilitation. You can learn all about this issue here, then read our posts leading up to this one where we go all in to help!
Become a Wildlife Rehabilitator! You probably saw this one coming, but what better way could you help this cause than by joining the rescuers! The process differs from state to state, so you’ll have to do a bit of research. Here in Connecticut, it involves a one-day course, followed by an exam, as well as hours spent in the field assisting other rehabilitators.
This is not a decision to be taken lightly as the dedication at this level is high. Usually rehabilitators will specialize in rescuing a certain type of animal (songbirds, bunnies, opossums, squirrels, etc.), so you’ll want to learn about the care of each of these animals before deciding on your focus. For example, baby songbirds can require feedings every 15 minutes from dawn until dusk! And raccoons need to have a separate space as they can carry a parasite that is dangerous to pets. Any animal that can carry rabies requires a rehabilitator who has had rabies immunization.
We also can’t gloss over the fact that this is an endeavor you would have to finance yourself (or fundraise for your efforts). And not every story is going to be a happy one. But, even the sad stories end knowing that you’ve put a suffering animal out of pain and made the last moments of their life as peaceful as possible.
Then, of course, are the moments when you open up the cage after days/weeks/months of care and watch this beautiful creature, who you nursed back to health, run free back into the wild. That feeling, at that very moment, makes this cause so worthwhile.